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Élevage Mapbella Kennels in Englehart, Ontario

Élevage Mapbella Kennels in Englehart, Ontario

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Ch. Don Corleone Mapbella Pagaille

Ch. Don Corleone Mapbella Pagaille

September 2006 - April 2009

After a decision that went terribly wrong, my beautiful sweet boy Aramis disappeared from the face of this earth. In April of 2009, after he was left in the care of someone else, Aramis vanished after a couple of weeks of being in his new surroundings. He was accompanied by another Belgian, Elektra, who also vanished at the same time. Both dogs were never seen or heard of again. Even after an intensive and extensive search for the both of them, I was left empty handed. Even to this day, I still wonder what really happened to them. I just hope that they didn’t suffer too much and that they forgive me for not being able to reach them in their greatest time of need. That thought will always haunt me until I die. Until we meet again my sweet babies.

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Belgian dogs