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Élevage Mapbella Kennels in Englehart, Ontario

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Ch. Tribu Mapbella Delapagaille, CGN, TT, HIC

 Ch. Tribu Mapbella Delapagaille, CGN, TT, HIC

April 2002 - May 2013

A True Love Story

I had hoped, I had wished that today would never ever come! This is one of the saddest days of my life. Today I had to say good-bye to a very very dear companion of mine. An amazing dog who had such a larger than life spirit. Today I said my last farewells to a dog who has taught me so much in the last several years: my beloved Ch. Tribu Mapbella Delapagaille, CGN, TT, HIC.

In April of 2002, a litter of 10 beautiful puppies were born. You've guessed it, Tribu was among that wonderful litter. After Tribu left for his new home, I was lucky enough to have a few pictures that were shared with me from time to time. Up until he was about 8 months of age. Then nothing for almost 3 years! At the end of 2004, I received a message stating that Tribu had changed drastically and that he had become quite unpredictable. I immediately offered to take him back so I could evaluate the situation myself. Tribu didn't stay with me for very long. Less than two weeks actually and then the owners messaged me again stating that they were missing him way too much and that he had to come back home a.s.a.p. . So Tribu went back to his original owners. It was around Februray 2005, that I was contacted once again by his owners. This time Tribu seemed to have taken a turn for the worst and that he had becom so untrustworthy that the owners felt it was better for him to leave again. That is when I told them that if I was taking him back that he would be staying permanently this time around. They agreed and right there and then I knew something must be really wrong with the dog because the owners were so in love with him and for them to give him up completely felt very weird.

So the obversation began once more. Tribu had a very strong personality and I quickly realized that he wasn't taking any kind of bullshit from anything or anyone. An incident happened while we were in an obedience class. Tribu had lounged at a man that wanted to give him a treat. Tribu wasn't after the treat but the man's fingers. For no apparent reason, Tribu had nipped the man's fingers. Red flags immediately came up in my mind. So I contacted the original owners to try and clarify what the hell had happened to this boy. That I had to know every little details if I wanted to be able to help him into a re-habilitation treatment. That is when I found out that Tribu had been severely abused physically and mentally by a professional trainer. I was absolutely livid! Now I understood much better why Tribu had reacted the way he had and it also became clearer why he had lost complete faith in the human race. I will not go through once more what happened to my big boy but many of you already know since you had followed his progress.

So Tribu and I embarked into quite an adventure. The territory was absolutely new to me. I had never delt with a dog who had so many serious issues to work with. Furthermore, everyone of my surroundings were advising me that he was too dangerous that the after effects of his mistreatment were to severe and that it would be best for the dog and myself to simply have him euthanized! I was absolutely outraged that everyone was so ready to give up on this boy. Just because the human race had failed him so miserably. I took my courage and my insanity in both hands and I made a promise to myself and to Tribu that I would do anything in my power to save this dog.

Tribu had an iron will to live even though with everything he had went through. This dog was hurting so bad physically and mentally and I had absolutely no idea where to start, what to do for him or even whom to turn to for help. Let me tell you that there were a whole lot of set backs in this journey of ours, but Tribu showed me that with love, patience, courage and above all faith that true miracles do happen. Tribu has been amazing me ever since he came back into my life. I have never regretted my decision even though the road to re-habilitation was extremely rocky and doubtful at the best of times. I am glad I stood to my guns with this extraordinary dog. Tribu has helped me grow as a human being and become a better person.

Even though nobody and I mean nobody believed in Tribu, we showed them all when he acquired his Canadian Championship as he became the Best of Breed beating the number one Belgian at the time Ch. Sarron Obvious Choice. I was absolutely ecstatic and so grateful that someone else had recognized how magnificient this boy truly was. Tribu not only acquired his championship title but he also acquired his CGN (something else that everyone had more than doubted) and his TT (temperament testing......I think that was the moment that I felt the proudest about my boy) and his HIC (herding title..........without eating any sheeps). What an exploit for this dog who was destined to be euthanized way to early in his life.

Then another blow came about. I had finally found the perfect female to mate with Tribu. I was sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! So health checks had to be done on Tribu. His results were devastating!!!!! Tribu was severely dysplasic of both hips!!!!! I was so crushed! There went my dreams of having a little Tribu running around!!!!!! But that didn't make me love him any less. Tribu was retired and stayed at the farm which he loved to do anyway. The last two years he has spent them with his littermate sister Titanic.

I will miss this boy immensely. His free spirit, his dominant personality, his strong character. I just hope I truly did him justice. This dog will be engraved in my mind and in my heart for all eternity. There is such a big whole in my heart right now. I feel so empty and crushed. I hope that when you read this tribute you will be able to tell just how much I loved this dog and how special he was. There will never be another one like him. Now he will rest in peace on the farm under a beautiful tree. Run free Tribu, you've certainly earned it! And most of all I want to thank you for what you have done for me as well in the past several years! Until we meet again my beloved Tribu!!!!!! Until we meet again!


Même si ça fait un bout de temps que “facebook” j’ai décidé de le quitter
Ce matin, en me réveillant, j’ai simplement pensé de le revisiter.
Pourquoi? Je n’en ai aucune idée.
Un sixième sens m’y a peut-être poussée.
Toujours est-il qu’en l’ouvrant c’est sur ton eulogie que je suis tombée.
Comme j’ai été bouleversée!
Cher Tribu, tu as eu toute une vie!
Qui que ce soit qui connaît les épreuves que tu as dû traverser,
Ne peut que t’aimer et te respecter.
Même si en te rencontrant, j’ai paniqué,
Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de t’admirer.
Tu avais cette allure “princier”
Qui disait “Ne pensez pas me piler sur les pieds,
Malgré tous les défis que la vie peut me lancer,
Vous verrez, je survivrai.”
Grâce à ta maîtresse qui t’a tellement aimé
Qui, à travers les années s’est démenée à te soigner,
Qui n’a pas hésité à débourser pour que tu retrouves la santé
Tu as finalement trouvé un vrai foyer.
Tu as enfin réalisé que oui, malgré tout, à certaines personnes tu pouvais te fier
Et que malgré tous les abus que tu avais endurés
Tu étais digne d’être aimé.
En retour, ta maîtresse tu l’as super aimée
Et tu étais toujours prêt à la protéger.
Vous avez connu une relation qu’elle ne pourra jamais oubliée
Et beaucoup d’eau sous le pont devra couler
Avant que son coeur meurtri par ton départ pourra être réparé.
Cher Tribu, toi qui a su relever tous les défis qui t’ont été lancés,
Va maintenant te reposer
Et tes autres amis, va les retrouver
Et ensemble veillez sur votre maîtresse bien aimée.


Viviens Sneak A Peek Ch. Tribu Mapbella Delapagaille
Ch. Tribu Mapbella Delapagaille Ch. Tribu Mapbella Delapagaille
englehart ontario dog breeders
Belgian dogs